Data Manipulation, Summarization, and Graphics


How to read this section.

Through out this Section, we use certain notations for different components in R. To begin, when something is in a gray block, _, this indicates that R code is being used. When I am talking about an R Object, it will be displayed as a word. For example, we will be using the R object mtcars. When I am talking about an R function, it will be displayed as a word followed by an open and close parentheses. For example, we will use the mean function denoted as mean() (read this as “mean function”). When I am talking about an R argument for a function, it will be displayed as a word following by an equal sign. For example, we will use the data argument denoted as data= (read this as “data argument”). When I am referencing an R package, I will use :: (two colons) after the name. For example, in this Section, I will use the ggplot2:: (read this as “ggplot2 package”) Lastly, if I am displaying R code for your reference or to run, it will be displayed on its own line. There are many components in R, and my hope is that this will help you understand what components am I talking about.