Statistical Computing


Welcome to Statistical Computing! A book designed to give undergraduate students exposure to several topics related to computational statistics and programming in R.


This book is a work in progress and will contain several grammatical errors and unfinished chapters. The final product is expected to be ready by the 2025-26 Academic Year.

This work is published under a CC-BY-4.0 license.


This is a book created to be used for a statistical computing course at the undergraduate level.

Installing R

R is an open-source programming language used to conduct statistical analysis. You can freely download and install R here.

Installing RStudio

RStudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used for data science. It contains several tools needed to extend your programming and project management skills.

You can download and install the open-source (free) version of RStudio here.

Installing Quarto

Quarto is a technical documentation system that allows you to embed narrative, code, and output in one document. Quarto should come automatically install from RStudio; however, you can update (or install) it here.

Installing R Packages

R Packages extends the functionality from the base functions in R. R packages contain extra functions to conduct uncommon statistical models.

As of right now, the tidyverse is a set of comprehensive packages to prepare and analyze data. To install tidyverse, use the following line in the console:



Topic Description
R Programming Provide with a brief introduction to R programming. Topics include basic computations, control flow statements, functional programming, and scripting tips and tricks.
Simulations Explore different algorithms to generate random variables.
Randomizations Learn how to implement different permutation tests.
Monte Carlo Methods Implement Monte Carlo methods to approximate integrals and distributions.
Bootstrapping Conduct different bootstrapping techniques to construct confidence intervals.
Data Manipulation, Summarization, and Graphics Learn how to analyze real-world data
Reporting Data Learn how to use Quarto to generate reports and presentations.
Debugging and Efficient Programming Learn how write efficient R code and implement Rcpp into your programs.