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Isaac Quintanilla Salinas

General Information

The csustats R Package contains learnr tutorials for students to complete. The package will install the learnr, gradethis, and learnrhash packages as well. At least R 4.3.0 or later and RStudio 1.3 (2020 edition) or later is required to run tutorials. You can download the latest version of R here and RStudio here.

If there are any questions or there are any errors in the tutorial, please feel free to email me.

Install R Package

If you are installing this package on your computer, take a look at this documentation if you run into problems.

To install the package, use the following code:

                 repos = c('',

Make sure to install the remotes package first.

learnr Tutorials

This package contains a learnr tutorials that can be used to learn about different statistical topics. View the vignette on tutorials to get more information. Go to the articles section of the website to find the page.

Access learnr tutorial

To access one of my learnr tutorials, use the access_tutorial() function. It only needs the name (id) of the tutorial.

List learnr tutorials

To see what tutorials are available in this package, use the following code:


The ID variable lists the “id” for the access_tutorial function.